PhD in Computer Science, Monash University.

MS Network Computing, Monash University


Selected Prizes, honours and awards

1. 2018, Swinburne Vice Chancellor’s 2018 Innovation Award (Team Award) – for conducing innovative and transdisciplinary industry focused research

2. 2019, Swinburne Faculty of Science Engineering and Technology - Research Collaboration Across Non-Traditional Boundaries Award (Team Award) – for conducing industry-based transdisciplinary research

3. 2017, Best Paper Award- Yavari. A, Jayaraman, P.P, Georgakopoulos. D, Nepal.S , “ConTaaS: An Approach to Internet-Scale Contextualisation for Developing Efficient Internet of Things Applications”, Proceedings of the 50th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Jan 2017.

4. 2015, Black Duck Award - Open Internet of Things project – Black Duck Open Source Rookie of the Year 2015 – Developer and contributor

5. 2010, Best Paper Award for the paper titled “Intelligent Processing of K-Nearest Neighbours Queries using Mobile Data Collectors in a Location Aware 3D Wireless Sensor Network” at the Twenty Third International Conferences on Industrial, Engineering & Other Applications of Applied Intelligent Systems (IEA-AIE 2010).

Selected Invited keynote and speaker addresses

1. 2020, Invited Speaker – Mid Career Faculty Workshop, International Conference on Information Systems, ICIS 2021, Hyderabad.

2. 2020, Invited Webinar – Industry 4.0 Transformation Hub, Swinburne University of Technology.

3. 2019, Conference Keynote Speaker -- International Conference on Future Network Systems and Security, Melbourne, Australia / 27-29 November 2019

4. 2019, Conference Invited Speaker -- Australian Agriculture Immersive Technology Conference, Melbourne

5. 2019, Conference Speaker -- Twelfth ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining, Melbourne, 2019 (A* Conference). Industry Talk Title - Demonstrating and Trialling of an Internet of Things Solution for Real-Time Computation and Delivery of Plant KPIs

CI in National and International Projects

1. 2019-2021, Development and trial of a low-cost labelling solution for providing labelling consistency and integrity in export supply chain, Australian Meat Processing Corporation

2. 2019 – 2022, Live Inbound Milk Supply Chain Monitoring and Logistics for Productivity and Competitiveness, CRC-P with Bega Cheese, Optus, Software AG/2019

3. 2020 – 2023, Smartphone APP: 4-Model Decision Support Tool, Digital Health CRC

4. 2020 – 2023, Reducing the cost of medication errors and non-adherence, Digital Health CRC

5. 2020 – 2021, IoT Solution for Counting and Scaling of Logs in Forestry Supply Chains, TechSelect (Industry)